Mantaflow Release Notes ------------------------ version 0.11 (Jul 2017) ------------------------- - coupling with the machine learning framework tensorflow, including a few examples of coupling mantaflow with neural networks (in the "tensorflow" directory) - closely related: numpy arrays are now a native datatype for mantaflow kernels and plugins (enable with -DNUMPY=1 in cmake) - support for surface tension simulations (look for the surfTens option in the pressure solver) - a simple viscosity solve for more physical scene setups (e.g., check out the lid-driven-cavity scene in scenes/ - smaller bugfixes version 0.10 (Mar 2017) ------------------------- - new, fast multigrid solver (thanks to Florian) - flow guiding with convex optimization (thanks to Tiffany and Marie-Lena) - support for 4d grids and vectors - long long int type introduced for huge grids and particle systems - additional display modes (projection, shaded projection) - and, as usual, quite a few bugfixes and tweaks version 0.9 (May 2016) ------------------------- - this release includes algorithms from two recent papers: an appraoch for narrow band FLIP simulations, and for surface turbulence (Ferstl et. al Eurographics 2016, and Mercier et al. SIGGRAPH Asia 2015) - there's new cmake switch to compile without python (NOPYTHON), this makes it easier to include mantaflow as a library - various cleanup fixes, e.g., a mantaMsg function was added for output under windows (use it instead of "print" in the python scenes) version 0.8 (Oct 2015) ------------------------- - improved and more stable out- and in-flow handling - second order wall boundary conditions (see example) - improvements for using MS Visual Studio (better IntelliSense parsing) - easier handling of adaptive time steps (moved to FluidSolver class) - Improved surface reconstruction for FLIP simulations - UI improvements, new drawing modes, and faster re-draw - more tests, reliable double precision testing, plus a visual test mode version 0.7 (Aug 2014) ------------------------- - added generic set of operators for grids and particle data fields - parallelized surface creation, and fixes for free surface and obstacle boundary conditions - extended test system - complete rewrite and cleanup of preprocessor, support for templated and overloaded operators - re-organized UI keyboard shortcuts - support for qt5 - zlib inclusion to reduce compilation issues version 0.6 (April 2014) ------------------------- - flexible particle system - updated FLIP liquid simulations - testing system (.../tools/tests) - improved wavelet turbulence with texture-coordinate support version 0.5 (July 2013) ------------------------ - class for moving obstacles - wavelet turbulence - some changes in FLIP code - updated turbulence modeling version 0.4 (Sep 2012) ------------------------ - Changed kernel syntax for map/reduce - Kernels support return values - OpenMP support - Python functions may return PyObjects version 0.3 (Sep 2012) ------------------------ - free surfaces (no smoothing yet) - FLIP advection - 2D grid support - builds with both python 2.x and 3.x version 0.2 (Aug 2012) ------------------------ - Extended mesh support - Vortex sheets - Turbulence modeling - Curl noise synthesis on Lagrangian markers (CUDA) - Vortex particles on Lagrangian markers (CUDA) version 0.1 (May 2012) ------------------------ - Initial release